Why Your Business Needs KBMax CPQ

Throughout the past few decades, the business has seen substantial change. Consumers are now more cautious, and as a result, their purchase decisions are more complicated. They seek a dependable, attentive, prompt, and effective channel and are well-informed and well-connected. As a result, the sales teams in many businesses frequently find it difficult to meet consumer requests. They may be having trouble upselling and cross-selling, balancing the complexity of product pricing, or creating tailored and current product quotations. 

This is where KBMax’s Configured software comes in and helps many businesses to streamline their business process. 

What is KBMax CPQ?

CPQ, or configure, price quote, stands for. You may develop organized, scalable sales processes with this Salesforce CRM add-on. Your sales professionals may sell more quickly and effectively by automating the quotation process with Salesforce CPQ.

Configuration: This tool guides your sales reps to choose the ideal product combination for each customer based on their requirements. It accomplishes this by effectively reducing the product selection list by client requirements. As a result, the sales representative may save a lot of time by not having to look for the items manually.

Pricing: Salesforce CPQ automatically determines the product's price and ensures that the discount and pricing are exact and optimized—without any room for error.

Your sales associates receive fully formed quotations that are generated automatically. Proposals may be easily created and submitted to clients using KBMax CPQ, all from within the Salesforce CRM.

Benefits of KBMax CPQ


Spreadsheets and emails—lots of them—are used in the conventional method of completing agreements. Your sales crew is frequently forced to depend only on spreadsheets and emails, leaving room for pricing and discount mistakes. Losing potential consumers is the worst possible situation. But all of that changes with KBMax CPQ!

Configured software keeps all information and paperwork in one location, saving sales teams a tonne of time. The system may automatically produce all required sales documents if a quote is approved. When a transaction progresses, there's no need to keep replicating the same content. 

As a consequence, the productivity of your sales staff will soar. Their ability to spend more time selling will affect how quickly your income rises.


Personalization has completely revolutionized the marketing industry; there is no disputing that. The main goal of personalization in sales is to swap out a generic message with one that more effectively addresses the unique problems faced by the person or business. Not only do customers respond to it more, but they also anticipate it.

Configured software exceeds clients' expectations and offers an accurate, professional estimate. It promotes customer confidence and the pursuit of sales. Sales representatives are more productive the more knowledge they have about a lead. Companies may use CPQ analytics and Salesforce CRM platforms to acquire crucial information, including lead scoring. Thanks to this, they can prioritize their tasks and decide which leads have the greatest promise.


You can promptly utilize the usual Salesforce dashboards, processes, and reporting since KBMax CPQ and CRM are connected. Adopting CPQ as a risk reduction tool means improved opportunity visibility and automated approvals, which is particularly crucial. Reviewing any discount or quotation usually takes a lot of time in a traditional sales process, but not when using CPQ analytics.

Configured software may prevent sales from being lost due to slow or inaccurately generated quotes, missing up-sell opportunities, or outdated pricing when coupled with your existing Salesforce data. Like other Salesforce apps, Salesforce CPQ makes creating the necessary intelligence and reports easy.

Summing up:

Configured software versatility is a key component. CPQ providers have several practical tools to develop personalized proposals, including configuration, price, and quotations. Customers may select goods or services directly from the catalog and instantly view corresponding sales or discounts.

Users can choose from various pricing alternatives, such as subscriptions, pre-negotiated prices, and automatic reductions. Also, CPQ providers can handle many quotations at once, allowing them to provide their prospects with various alternatives while managing each proposal. Please contact our experts to see KBMax CPQ Software Reviews, Demo & Pricing - 2023. 



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